在每个学期结束后,一旦注册办公室最终确定了名单, 大学营销和传播办公室将学位获得者的名字分发给他们家乡的报纸, based on the graduation application.
刊登该信息由当地报纸自行决定. 的 listing also is published online at Northwest's 媒体中心.
民政事务总署 Registrar's role in degree completion (graduation)
教务长办公室维护学位审核系统的准确性, 确保学位和课程要求正确并与目录相符. 办公室审查和处理本科学生的研究生申请, notifying students and advisors of issues, or approving the candidates to be added to the graduation list. 一次 grades are posted, 注册办公室根据学位审核中列出的要求授予学位,并相应地打印和邮寄文凭. 毕业证书在正式毕业日期后大约六到八周寄出.
Academic advisor's role in degree completion (graduation)
学术顾问应该审查学生的学位审核,并帮助他们规划毕业之路. 顾问应该查看学生的学位审核,以确保学生没有遗漏任何毕业要求. All items on the audit 必须 show complete or 正在进行的. 辅导员应提交学生需要的任何例外情况,以确保这些例外情况得到处理.
当学生完成90学时,指导老师必须与学生见面完成指导老师毕业检查. 检查的目的是确定在学位的最后两个学期需要完成的要求.
Degree completion (graduation) process for undergraduate students
- Undergraduate students 必须 submit an application to graduate through CatPAWS 在计划毕业的学期前至少一个学期.
- 它是。 responsibility of the student to review the degree audit 在申请之前,如果他们不确定学位完成(毕业)的资格,请向他们的学术顾问寻求帮助, 或者他们不知道如何解决学位审核中的缺陷.
- 当本科生申请研究生时,会发生以下步骤:
- 在 计划完成学位(毕业)的前一个学期: 民政事务总署 注册主任检查学生记录,看看学生是否有顾问毕业检查文件. If one does not exist, it is sent to the advisor as soon as possible to expedite the process; approval to be added to the graduation list may be delayed as a result.
- 在 term in which degree completion (graduation) is planned: 注册办公室会在开学第一周后审核学生记录(最后加/退课日期). If the degree audit is not completed with 正在进行的 courses, the student is notified and the advisor is copied on the message.
- 一次 final grades are posted at the end of the semester, students should complete the following steps:
- 检查 degree audit 确保审核显示所有需求已完成(勾选)或正在进行中.
- Ensure all cashiering holds have been cleared (these display on the audit). A hold does not prevent participation in the commencement ceremony, but will prevent the release of the diploma and transcript.
- An email is sent toward the end of the semester, 提醒学生确保文凭邮寄地址准确无误(如果需要更改,请联系注册主任办公室),并检查是否有阻碍文凭和成绩单发放的因素.
- 注意: A graduation hold is placed on each pending graduate’s record to ensure transcripts do not go out until the degree has been awarded.
- 的 最终学位完成(毕业)审查在成绩公布后进行. This happens the week after the posting of final grades. 检查每个学生的学位审核和成绩单,看是否满足所有要求. 如果满足所有要求,则公布学位和荣誉,并取消毕业典礼.
- 不符合毕业资格的学生将收到电子邮件,通知他们已从毕业名单中删除,必须在未来学期重新申请. 不合格学生的例子包括但不限于上学期不及格的学生, 没有达到GPA要求和/或有各种其他问题阻碍他们毕业.
- Students who have pending issues (e.g. 转学工作,不完整的成绩)收到通知截止日期的电子邮件 解决这个问题,并仍然被授予学位的预期学期毕业.